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SB DX @ ARL $ARLD049 ARLD049 DX news

02.12.2000 20:34:30

ZCZC AE49 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 49 ARLD049 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT November 30, 2000 To all radio amateurs


This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by Tedd, KB8NW, The OPDX Bulletin, The Daily DX, QRZ DX, 425DXnews, The 599Rpt, DXNL and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all.

MADAGASCAR, 5R. Sigi, DJ4IJ, is QRV until December 8 as 5R8GT. QSL via DK8ZD.

PAKISTAN, AP. Nasir, AP2NK, has been QRV around 10106 kHz just before 0000z.

CANARY ISLANDS, EA8. Heijo, DJ1OJ, is active from Tenerife as EA8/DJ1OJ until March 2001. QSL to home call.

ESTONIA, ES. Jon, LA7IL, is active as ES/LA7IL from Riga, where he works for the International Red Cross. QSL to home call.

ECUADOR, HC. Rick, NE8Z, is QRV as HC1MD until December 11. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using CW and SSB. He will also be portable HC2, HC3, HC6 and HC7. QSL via K8LJG.

ST. VINCENT, J8. Gray, KQ6MW, will be QRV as J8/KQ6MW from Mustique Island, IOTA NA-025, beginning December 3. He plans to be active mainly during his evenings on 80 to 10 meters, using mostly SSB and PSK31. QSL to home call.

MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1. Katsumi, JD1BCK, has been active on 15 meters SSB. Check 21325 kHz after 2300z. He is expected to be here until August 2001. QSL via JM1TUK.

ARUBA, P4. Rob, W9RB, is QRV as P40RB until December 3 from the QTH of P49V. He will be active in the ARRL 160-Meter contest. QSL to home call.

FERNANDO de NORONHA, PY0F. Bill, W9VA, will operate as PY0ZFO from December 6 to 13. This includes an entry in the ARRL 10-Meter contest. Look for him on 160 to 6 meters. QSL to home call.

SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS. Oleg, UA1PBA, is QRV as R1ANF until March 2001 from Bellinghausen Base on King Island. QSL via operator instructions.

ANTIGUA, V2. Terry, K3JT, is QRV as V26JT. QSL to home call.

MONTSERRAT, VP2M. Graham, M0AEP, will be active as VP2MDD from December 6 to 20. QSL to home call.

BURKINA FASO, XT. Harold, XT2AW, is active using CW on the HF and newer bands. Most of his activity is between 0030 and 0630z. QSL via DF2WO.

ASCENSION ISLAND, ZD8. Jim, N6TJ, is QRV until December 9 as ZD8Z. QSL via VE3HO.

NIUE, ZK2. Bill, W7TVF, is QRV until December 10 as ZK2VF. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters. QSL to home call.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL 160-Meter Contest, QRP ARCI Holiday Spirits Homebrew CW Sprint, 9th Annual TARA RTTY Sprint and the TOPS Activity 3.5 MHz CW Contest will certainly keep contesters busy this weekend. Please see December QST, page 97 for details on the contest. NNNN /EX * Origin: ---=== RA9LO Station at MO27SC ===--- (2:5077/39) ________________________________________________________________


RZ6HGG Stavropol FidoNet: 2:5064/11.30 2 декабря 2000 г. 8:02:05

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